Dr Quinton Fivelman PhD, the Chief Scientific Officer at London Medical Laboratory is warning that thyroid problems may be escalating rapidly in the UK population and it is likely that there is a direct link between SARS-CoV-2 and abnormal thyroid function. He says that London Medical Laboratory has detected a rise of 10% in undiagnosed thyroid problems during the pandemic, compared to previous years.

Explains Dr Fivelman:
‘Of even more concern is that people ill with Covid-19 have a worse prognosis if they develop thyroid problems.

‘Thyroid diseases can lead to severe health problems and need to be treated quickly. If undiagnosed, underactive thyroids (hypothyroidism) can lead to slow heart rate, hearing loss, anaemia and, in the most severe cases, Myxedema Coma. ‘Overactive thyroids (hyperthyroidism), if not controlled, can lead to eye problems, pregnancy problems, irregular or abnormally fast heart rate, weakened bones, heart failure and what the medical profession terms a “thyroid storm”, which can lead to confusion and loss of consciousness.

‘How do people know if they might be developing thyroid problems? The symptoms of an abnormally functioning thyroid can be easy to miss, which is why they may be on the rise without regular GP check-ups.
The symptoms of an underactive thyroid (not enough thyroxine being produced for the body’s needs) are:
Tiredness Feeling cold Weight gain Constipation Poor concentration Depression
The symptoms of an overactive thyroid (too much thyroxine being produced for the body’s needs) are:
Weight loss Heat intolerance Anxiety Sore and gritty eyes Thyroid eye disease (or Graves\' ophthalmopathy), leading to red, swollen or pulled back eyelids or bulging eyes
‘While the explanation for the increase in undiagnosed positive tests for thyroid problems is mostly down to missed doctor’s appointments, one new study has shown 13% of patients with Covid-19 who had no previously diagnosed thyroid disorders went on to develop abnormal thyroid function. To put that into context, the average incidence of thyroid problems in the population is only around 3%.
‘While the explanation for the increase in undiagnosed positive tests for thyroid problems is mostly down to missed doctor’s appointments, one new study has shown 13% of patients with Covid-19 who had no previously diagnosed thyroid disorders went on to develop abnormal thyroid function. To put that into context, the average incidence of thyroid problems in the population is only around 3%.
‘That means that the Covid-19 virus may be having an impact on the functioning of the thyroid in previously healthy people.

‘Of perhaps even greater concern is that the thyroid controls the production of free triiodothyronine (fT3) in our bodies. 6% of Covid-19 patients in the study developed abnormally low levels of ft3. Those patients with decreasing ft3 went on to develop severe Covid, leading to the conclusion that people with low fT3 - caused by the virus’ impact on the thyroid - had more adverse Covid-19-related outcomes.

‘The study also concluded that Covid-19 exacerbated the symptoms of people with pre-existing thyroid disease.

‘With this in mind, what can people do to avoid the risk of catching Covid while having a yet undiagnosed thyroid problem? As well as keeping up to date with Covid vaccinations, obvious measures include checking for the symptoms we have listed above and taking a general blood test.

‘Our latest research shows health testing, such as blood tests, fell by 80% last year in primary care. These should form part of everyone’s annual health “MOT”. London Medical Laboratory’s own Well Man and Well Woman Premier Plus tests measure around 40 individual readings, ranging from thyroid stimulating hormones to vitamins, iron and calcium, full blood count and Oestradiol. Postal kits that measure people’s blood sugar to detect thyroid function, diabetes, and even cholesterol are also readily available, as they require less blood and can be done in the comfort of people’s home.

‘From these results, patients can learn whether they are at risk of illnesses such as thyroid problems. Given the increased likelihood of poorer outcomes for Covid-19 patients with untreated thyroid problems this test can be an effective early warning.

‘The new generation blood tests are highly accurate, quick and simple to carry out at one of the many drop-in clinics that offer this test. They take only around five minutes, with results usually emailed the next day.

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